Wednesday 15 October 2014

This time it's personal.

So a lot has happened since my last posts...
I have a job in advertising, as a copywriter,
and since this has happened I've realised I'm writing because I'm a writer... Not for the love of writing.
But I love writing.
So this will now become my outlet for my own personal musings and thoughts,
projects and little visits I make in life.

I love making, I love doing.  So here I will try and document, as best I can, most of what I see.  And do.

To catch up on my progress since I was posting here as a student,
check out
It's a joint blog I occasionally contribute to, that was set up with my creative partner.

Of course, if you don't care about such things, just keep an eye out on here and I'll keep posting my words and pictures.

Like this.  I made this. 

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