Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Escaping London - To London

The sun came out! THE SUN CAME OUT! On a bank holiday too!
So we explored.
I live fairly close to central London, so the grey drag of the city can start to suffocate at times, regardless of how pretty the locality of my house is.
This is a little post of the discoveries we made on a wander up to Hampstead Heath, to cure our hangovers this bank holiday monday.

I've often said that the best hangover cure is to not get hungover in the first place.
That being said, when you're presented with a night of live blues music, dancing and rum, with a couple of free hats thrown in for good measure, it's not going to be that easy to avoid.
So this bank holiday weekend, we headed to Blues Kitchen in Shoreditch, and had a generally bloody brilliant night.

See, free hats! And live blues! Also the drinks weren't too expensive, with a double coming in at £7 - not expensive by London standards at all. I'd recommend it as a night for those who aren't into going out clubbing to music that'll leave your ears ringing with phantom bass for days after. We will definitely be back there.

But that isn't what this post is about. Here are all the lovely places we found on Hampstead Heath, there was a zoo to ogle at animals in, some giant metal dinosaurs for no apparent reason, and lots of sunshine and beautiful green open space. And mud. And a pergola... which was a great find.

By the end of our adventure we'd soaked up enough sunshine and consumed enough ice cream (sorbet for me, so refreshing) to feel like normal human beings again and really enjoy our day!
Not having a map and just strolling up there really felt like the best way to approach it, we didn't have a clue where anything was and it made everything we stumbled across feel like such a discovery.

There are so many places in London that are just so beautiful, that people don't even give the time of day to. You don't need to go far to find something new - just go for a wander!

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