Monday 17 January 2011

Countdown the seconds

I made this typeface, as I have a university interview this week, and want to show off that I can do things.
I already made one similar, but it wasa scan of a hand drawn one, so this one was made much tidier, in a very similar style, to link with my development etc. The brief was 'Urban'. The concept was always that the city may look strong, but it is infact a broken, fragile mess of a place.

In other life news, which I feel I should share on here, I'm currently still wearing the pyjamas I woke up in this morning. This is the first genuinely relaxing day I've had in months, and spending most of it with one of my closest friends scoffing all that bad stuff we're supposed to worry about eating as females, was an awesome addition to it. Fun times!

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