Tuesday, 11 October 2011


At what point do we reject our fantastical, beautiful childhood ideals for a settlement of reality and the prospect of a sensible and supportive career?

You never HAVE to.

I raised a point last time I saw my boyfriend.
He said, he had to go back home.
I pointed out, he didn’t have to.  There was no guiding force leading him away from me, that he were to tear himself from to stay.  He was simply choosing, due to an array of personal decisions and commitments, to go back to where he came from.
Basically, I think I both baffled and confused him,
but it’s a point.
What compells us, as people, to do what we do?  A fear of loss of respect, employment, friendships, reputation?
Just a thought.  We don’t have to do anything

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Summer brief.

Posting again, because this seems slightly more professional than a tumblr, but I'm not very professional, so lets give it a shot anyway.
Anywho, summer brief:

Brief: Make a garment to wear.

Bit of a tangent, but we looked at how what we wear can express who we are, then went a little deeper.
Here are the results...
Openness of the zip indicates how open we are to new people, as chosen by us.

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Look at some stuff I've done, just realised it's been a long time!

I did some photos and they are pretty.

Roundhay park in the sunshine!

It was a fun day out this is for sure.

I will probably be updating this much more often now as I have removed myself from facebook and given away my Xbox for the duration of my college term to make myself more productive.
It seems to be working, as I am doing much more creative things.  Not necessarily relative to the course, but nonetheless more productive than being sat on facebook all day!

You've probably been led here....

If you're here as a result of what you've seen in Leeds today, then keep checking back.
I'm on a pursuit of happiness in Leeds city centre as part of my final major project at college,
and I was asking for your contributions.
If you took note.... awesome. Thankyou very much :)
I'll be publishing my results here in the next few days!

Thursday, 17 February 2011

I find paper most inspiring y'know

This lady, Yulia Brodskaya, is amazing. She uses a technique called quilling to make these images, which is basically curling thin strips of paper into shapes and gluing them down.
She has the most incredible amount of skill I have ever seen.
Her website is here.  It's brilliantly built and her work is just beautiful.

Actually stunning.  I'm thinking I might try to do something like this, but it's most likely I'll fail.  I'll kepp you posted.

Monday, 17 January 2011

Countdown the seconds

I made this typeface, as I have a university interview this week, and want to show off that I can do things.
I already made one similar, but it wasa scan of a hand drawn one, so this one was made much tidier, in a very similar style, to link with my development etc. The brief was 'Urban'. The concept was always that the city may look strong, but it is infact a broken, fragile mess of a place.

In other life news, which I feel I should share on here, I'm currently still wearing the pyjamas I woke up in this morning. This is the first genuinely relaxing day I've had in months, and spending most of it with one of my closest friends scoffing all that bad stuff we're supposed to worry about eating as females, was an awesome addition to it. Fun times!

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

I found my good final so I deleted the old post of this.

Aha! Pesky hider, I found you! I remember being proud of this now.

Yes, it is actually quite good. Hurrah!

Last but not least.

I was briefed to create the imagery for an article on Body Dysmorphia, a condition where your self perception is very negatively warped. I had to choose which magazine to aim it at, choosing between Shortlist and Stylist, one aimed at men and one aimed at women. I chose to aim it at a male based audience, as the article seemed more aimed that way. This is what I came up with, using both photography and a graphics tablet in photoshop for the imagery. I used Adobe indesign to put it all together.

Any more for any more?

Posters on legibility. You may notice that with my mostly typographic/computer based design, my inspirations lie in the Bauhaus style. I love the functionality and angular style of it, I think it creates a beautiful image of words, in the simplest way. I like words.
So, the idea was that you create two posters advertising a lecture on legibility in type, the rules and whatnot surrounding it. One was to be highly legible, one was to be highly illegible, and also had to work as a set. So I made these, in the Bauhaus style, making good use of the grid system to manipulate and displace my type.
That was the illegible one.... if you couldn't tell...
And that one is legible, but still interesting to look at, which is important.

'Never mistake legibility for communication'

More work. Book pages.

These images are a few pages from a book I made about my relationship with the city of Leeds.
I have to say, this was fantastic fun to make. Used a mixture of illustration, pencil drawing, photography and woodwork to make the finished article, which kept it interesting.
Here are some of the pages:

All the pages have been printed onto a very thin newsprint, making the book feel very delicate, I don't know why I wanted to do that, I probably just liked the irony of the fragility of the pages against the subject of a city, which seems to be so strong. Hmm.