Sunday 5 December 2010

I have changed. My style hasn't.

I am concerned about how the rest of the world sees me now, due to a misadventure with self portrait.  I do the same style all the time when I'm playing with illustrator, my first image that I did being a self portrait of myself when I was about 14; this one:

Then I did one yesterday, of a more recent image, now I am 18.  The colours are all sad and I look unhappy, and this worries me, but it looks kind of wobbly and cool anyway, so I will show you:
My hair is shorter and my face seems a little more on the round side, but I likes it!  I think I'm much paler than I used to be anyway, I haven't been on holiday for a long time.  I hope the rest of the world doesn't see me as being this sad, this is why I am worried, I am a very positive person!! 

I might put some more of my illustrator stuff up.  But not now, I have far too much work to be getting on with.

Ucas deadline: Next friday
College project deadline: Next friday

Amount of work done for both of them? Not enough!!

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