Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Look at some stuff I've done, just realised it's been a long time!

I did some photos and they are pretty.

Roundhay park in the sunshine!

It was a fun day out this is for sure.

I will probably be updating this much more often now as I have removed myself from facebook and given away my Xbox for the duration of my college term to make myself more productive.
It seems to be working, as I am doing much more creative things.  Not necessarily relative to the course, but nonetheless more productive than being sat on facebook all day!

You've probably been led here....

If you're here as a result of what you've seen in Leeds today, then keep checking back.
I'm on a pursuit of happiness in Leeds city centre as part of my final major project at college,
and I was asking for your contributions.
If you took note.... awesome. Thankyou very much :)
I'll be publishing my results here in the next few days!